Community Consultations "in langage"/Publications/
Case Studies/Evaluations/Policy Development
"We actively participate in a number of national and international research initiatives, undertake discreet community consultations and share what we know about child and forced marriage from a survivor and community perspective"
Submission to CSW68 © 2024
Role: Writer/Producer
Produced by bcipwbqvw nc[jwnc[wnc[ kenwc[xnvn qejvcn with hosts Helena Hassani and Habibi ????????
Today, 49.6 million people live in modern slavery. Only 1 in 5 victims in Australia are identified, meaning 80% do not get the support they need.
Australia’s initial response to modern slavery strongly focused on criminal justice outcomes and was not informed by the voices and experiences of survivors. For this reason, governments and policymakers have often missed the opportunity to learn from survivors, and have not recognised them as experts in their own experiences. But there is growing recognition that anti-slavery efforts must be more systematically survivor-informed.
Speak Now is part of ?? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ????? and invites us into the day to day lives of survivors, case workers, ? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????? to ??????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? to learn about the many complexities and challenges faced by those experiencing child and forced marriage . We invite you to join the conversation here.